Powerful Mind Counselling

Parenting Skills Coaching

Can you relate to any of these?

  • I am tired of having power struggles with my child
  • I feel guilty because I should spend more quality time with my kid
  • I wish I could control my anger better but they push my buttons
  • My kid never listens and I’m so tired of repeating myself
  • I am such a failure as a parent

You’ve tried it all.

From using time outs, dishing out rewards, counting to 3, begging them to listen, punishments- nothing works. Despite your best efforts, everything turns into a battle and you’re so drained.  

Because kids don’t come with instruction manuals….we will empower you with many parenting wins that will make you feel more confident, peaceful and happier as a parent.

Looking for help? Send us a message.

    Are you ready to…

    • Handle tantrums, backtalk , whining, aggression and other challenging behaviors like a pro
    • Help your child feel a sense of belonging through encouragement and mutual respect
    • Strengthen the bond and connection between you and your child
    • Manage mealtime struggles and bedtime battles with ease
    • Be more patient and present so that you can create a safe, loving environment for your child to thrive
    • Manage personal stress to increase parenting effectiveness

    Positive Parenting Discipline Approach

    Positive Discipline is a model based on Adlerian Psychology. This model guides parents on how to develop connected, strong and mutually respectful relationships with their kids while helping their children develop responsibility, self-discipline, cooperation and problem- solving skills. Studies of the effectiveness of Positive Discipline techniques have shown that Positive Discipline tools produce significant results.

    Powerful Mind Counselling | Image of boys running and happy.

    5 Criteria of the Positive Parenting Discipline Approach:

    1. Helps children feel a sense of connection. Belonging and significance are important
    2. Mutually respectful and encouraging. Kind and firm at the same time
    3. Effective long-term. Considers what children are thinking, feeling, learning and deciding about themselves and their world- and what to do in the future to survive or to thrive
    4. Teaches important social and life skills. Respect, concern for others, problem solving, communication and cooperation as well as the skills to contribute to the home, school or larger community
    5. Invites children to discover how capable they are. Encourages the constructive use of personal power and autonomy

    Happiness is closer than you think.

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